Air Pollutant and Black Carbon Emissions Inventories online search

Use this query tool to obtain information on national, provincial and territorial air emission summaries for key air pollutants, heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants from anthropogenic emission sources. Air emissions of these pollutants are available nationally, provincially, territorially from 1990 to present. Air emissions of black carbon are also available from 2013 to present.

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Annual data

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Annual data for

Source Sector SubSector TPM (tonnes) PM10 (tonnes) PM2.5 (tonnes) SOx (tonnes) NOx (tonnes) VOC (tonnes) CO (tonnes) NH3 (tonnes) BC (tonnes) Pb (kg) Cd (kg) Hg (kg) D/F (gTEQ) PAHs (kg) B(a)p (kg) B(b)f (kg) B(k)f (kg) I(1,2,3-cd)p (kg) Hexachlorobenzene
HCB (g)
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Emission trends for

Source Sector SubSector Y-6 Y-5 Y-4 Y-3 Y-2 Y-1 Y-0
Grand total