Off-road Compression-Ignition (Mobile and Stationary) and Large Spark-Ignition Engine Emission Regulations


About the regulations

These regulations set performance-based emissions standards for air pollutants from new off-road diesel engines and large spark-ignition engines. Mobile diesel engines are typically found in machines used in construction, mining, farming, and forestry applications. Stationary diesel engines are commonly used to provide electricity in remote communities, to power industrial equipment, and as a back-up or emergency sources of power for buildings. Large spark-ignition engines are typically used in machines such as forklifts, ice resurfacers, small generators and other specialty equipment.

These regulations repeal and replace the existing Off-Road Compression-Ignition Engine Emission Regulations, combining the previous mobile diesel engine standards together with the new large spark-ignition engine and stationary diesel engine standards into one consistent framework. Emission standards for mobile diesel engines are unchanged, although some new administrative and compliance flexibilities are introduced for certain applications. These regulations apply to large spark-ignition engines and stationary diesel engines manufactured after June 4, 2021. Mobile diesel engines of the 2006 and later model years must meet the applicable emissions standards in place at their time of manufacture.

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Transportation Division
Environment and Climate Change Canada
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard
Gatineau QC K1A 0H3
Telephone: 1-844-454-9017
Additional email(s): Combustion Unit, Electricity and Combustion Division
Read the regulations

These regulations set performance-based emissions standards for air pollutants from new off-road diesel engines and large spark-ignition engines. Mobile diesel engines are typically found in machines used in construction, mining, farming, and forestry applications. Stationary diesel engines are commonly used to provide electricity in remote communities, to power industrial equipment, and as a back-up or emergency sources of power for buildings. Large spark-ignition engines are typically used in machines such as forklifts, ice resurfacers, small generators and other specialty equipment.

These regulations repeal and replace the existing Off-Road Compression-Ignition Engine Emission Regulations, combining the previous mobile diesel engine standards together with the new large spark-ignition engine and stationary diesel engine standards into one consistent framework. Emission standards for mobile diesel engines are unchanged, although some new administrative and compliance flexibilities are introduced for certain applications. These regulations apply to large spark-ignition engines and stationary diesel engines manufactured after June 4, 2021. Mobile diesel engines of the 2006 and later model years must meet the applicable emissions standards in place at their time of manufacture.

Consolidated text

Full document: HTML, XML [234 kB], PDF [536 kB]

Regulations are current to 2021-06-16 and last amended on 2021-06-04. Previous Versions

Enabling act:

Legislative change

These regulations set performance-based emissions standards for air pollutants from new off-road diesel engines and large spark-ignition engines. Mobile diesel engines are typically found in machines used in construction, mining, farming, and forestry applications. Stationary diesel engines are commonly used to provide electricity in remote communities, to power industrial equipment, and as a back-up or emergency sources of power for buildings. Large spark-ignition engines are typically used in machines such as forklifts, ice resurfacers, small generators and other specialty equipment.

These regulations repeal and replace the existing Off-Road Compression-Ignition Engine Emission Regulations, combining the previous mobile diesel engine standards together with the new large spark-ignition engine and stationary diesel engine standards into one consistent framework. Emission standards for mobile diesel engines are unchanged, although some new administrative and compliance flexibilities are introduced for certain applications. These regulations apply to large spark-ignition engines and stationary diesel engines manufactured after June 4, 2021. Mobile diesel engines of the 2006 and later model years must meet the applicable emissions standards in place at their time of manufacture.

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