Reduction in the Release of Volatile Organic Compounds Regulations (Petroleum Sector) (SOR/2020-231)

About the regulations

These regulations require the implementation of comprehensive leak detection and repair programs at Canadian petroleum refineries, upgraders and certain petrochemical facilities. The operators of these facilities are also required to ensure that certain equipment components are designed and operated in a manner that prevents leaks, and to monitor the level of certain volatile organic compounds at facility fencelines.

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Read the regulations

These regulations require the implementation of comprehensive leak detection and repair programs at Canadian petroleum refineries, upgraders and certain petrochemical facilities. The operators of these facilities are also required to ensure that certain equipment components are designed and operated in a manner that prevents leaks, and to monitor the level of certain volatile organic compounds at facility fencelines.

Consolidated text

Full document: HTML, XML [192 kB], PDF [459 kB]

Regulations are current to 2020-11-02.

Enabling act:

Legislative change

These regulations require the implementation of comprehensive leak detection and repair programs at Canadian petroleum refineries, upgraders and certain petrochemical facilities. The operators of these facilities are also required to ensure that certain equipment components are designed and operated in a manner that prevents leaks, and to monitor the level of certain volatile organic compounds at facility fencelines.

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