Tributyltetradecylphosphonium Chloride (TTPC) Regulations (SOR/2000-66)

About the regulations

These regulations prohibit the use, processing, offer for sale, sale and importation of tributyltetradecylphosphonium chloride into Canada. They permit the manufacture of the substance for export only and only when a fully-contained manufacturing process is used.

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Chemical Products Division
Environment and Climate Change Canada
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard
Gatineau QC K1A 0H3
Read the regulations

These regulations prohibit the use, processing, offer for sale, sale and importation of tributyltetradecylphosphonium chloride into Canada. They permit the manufacture of the substance for export only and only when a fully-contained manufacturing process is used.

Consolidated text

Full document: HTML, XML [7 kB], PDF [193 kB]

Regulations are current to 2017-11-20

Enabling act:

Legislative change

These regulations prohibit the use, processing, offer for sale, sale and importation of tributyltetradecylphosphonium chloride into Canada. They permit the manufacture of the substance for export only and only when a fully-contained manufacturing process is used.

News, notices, and recent amendments

Recent amendments

Canada Gazette Part II

  • : Vol.134,No.6, PDF (1.89 MB, go to page 3)

Canada Gazette Part I

  • : Vol.133,No.20, PDF (2.54 MB, go to page 59)

Planned changes and consultations

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