National Pollutant Release Inventory data search

Welcome to the new National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) data search tool. You can use this tool to search detailed information on pollutant releases (to air, water and land), disposals and transfers for recycling reported by facilities to the NPRI. You can also use this tool to display facility data by location, sector and substance as well as to view pollution prevention information.

The data presented here is current as of .

Links to other datasets are available for facilities that also report to the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) on radionuclides.

Search criteria

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Enter at least two characters to display the options.


Total number of reports:

Pre-defined queries

In response to feedback from NPRI data users, several new pre-defined queries have been added to the Facility data search. These queries show on-site release data broken down by media (air, land and water) for the last five years. (Click to run.)

Predefined queries - by pollutant

Predefined queries - by industry

Predefined queries - by province

Predefined queries - by watershed

Predefined queries – pollutants with highest emissions for the past 5 years

Downloadable datasets

For advanced users visit our Explore NPRI data page.

Additional resources and search tools

For additional resources for accessing, understanding and analyzing NPRI data visit : Pollution data and reports web page.