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Results for substance identifier "84852-53-9"

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List or group: Ministerial Conditions
Substance identifier: 84852-53-9
Substance identifier (2):
Substance name: 1,1'-(1,2-Ethanediyl)bis[pentabromobenzene]
Additional information: The manufacture or import of this substance is subject to ministerial conditions following a joint assessment by Environment and Climate Change Canada and Health Canada.

When a substance is suspected of being toxic or capable of becoming toxic under CEPA, control measures are imposed to address risks to the environment or human health.

Under ministerial conditions, the notifier can manufacture or import a substance, subject to restrictions. Any other person who wishes to manufacture or import this substance may be required to submit a New Substances Notification under the New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers) or the New Substances Notification Regulations (Organisms). This may result in similar conditions being imposed.

To access all ministerial condition notices published under the authority of CEPA, refer to Canada's Open Government Portal.
Recent publication(s): Canada Gazette Part I, Vol. 152, No. 17, April 28, 2018
Date published: 2018-04-28
List or group: Ministerial Conditions
Substance identifier: 84852-53-9
Substance identifier (2):
Substance name: 1,1'-(1,2-Ethanediyl)bis[pentabromobenzene]
Additional information: The manufacture or import of this substance is subject to ministerial conditions following a joint assessment by Environment and Climate Change Canada and Health Canada.

When a substance is suspected of being toxic or capable of becoming toxic under CEPA, control measures are imposed to address risks to the environment or human health.

Under ministerial conditions, the notifier can manufacture or import a substance, subject to restrictions. Any other person who wishes to manufacture or import this substance may be required to submit a New Substances Notification under the New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers) or the New Substances Notification Regulations (Organisms). This may result in similar conditions being imposed.

To access all ministerial condition notices published under the authority of CEPA, refer to Canada's Open Government Portal.
Recent publication(s): Canada Gazette, Part I, Vol. 151, No. 41, October 14, 2017
Date published: 2017-10-14
List or group: Ministerial Conditions
Substance identifier: 84852-53-9
Substance identifier (2):
Substance name: 1,1'-(1,2-Ethanediyl)bis[pentabromobenzene]
Additional information: The manufacture or import of this substance is subject to ministerial conditions following a joint assessment by Environment and Climate Change Canada and Health Canada.

When a substance is suspected of being toxic or capable of becoming toxic under CEPA, control measures are imposed to address risks to the environment or human health.

Under ministerial conditions, the notifier can manufacture or import a substance, subject to restrictions. Any other person who wishes to manufacture or import this substance may be required to submit a New Substances Notification under the New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers) or the New Substances Notification Regulations (Organisms). This may result in similar conditions being imposed.

To access all ministerial condition notices published under the authority of CEPA, refer to Canada's Open Government Portal.
Recent publication(s): Canada Gazette Part I, Vol. 151, No. 26, July 1, 2017
Date published: 2017-07-01
List or group: Ministerial Conditions
Substance identifier: 84852-53-9
Substance identifier (2):
Substance name: 1,1'-(1,2-Ethanediyl)bis[pentabromobenzene]
Additional information: The manufacture or import of this substance is subject to ministerial conditions following a joint assessment by Environment and Climate Change Canada and Health Canada.

When a substance is suspected of being toxic or capable of becoming toxic under CEPA, control measures are imposed to address risks to the environment or human health.

Under ministerial conditions, the notifier can manufacture or import a substance, subject to restrictions. Any other person who wishes to manufacture or import this substance may be required to submit a New Substances Notification under the New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers) or the New Substances Notification Regulations (Organisms). This may result in similar conditions being imposed.

To access all ministerial condition notices published under the authority of CEPA, refer to Canada's Open Government Portal.
Recent publication(s): Canada Gazette Part I, Vol. 145, No. 20, May 14 2011
Date published: 2011-05-14
List or group: Ministerial Conditions
Substance identifier: 84852-53-9
Substance identifier (2):
Substance name: 1,1'-(1,2-Ethanediyl)bis[pentabromobenzene]
Additional information: The manufacture or import of this substance is subject to ministerial conditions following a joint assessment by Environment and Climate Change Canada and Health Canada.

When a substance is suspected of being toxic or capable of becoming toxic under CEPA, control measures are imposed to address risks to the environment or human health.

Under ministerial conditions, the notifier can manufacture or import a substance, subject to restrictions. Any other person who wishes to manufacture or import this substance may be required to submit a New Substances Notification under the New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers) or the New Substances Notification Regulations (Organisms). This may result in similar conditions being imposed.

To access all ministerial condition notices published under the authority of CEPA, refer to Canada's Open Government Portal.
Recent publication(s): Canada Gazette Part I, Vol. 143, No. 1, pp. 4-6, January 3, 2009
Date published: 2009-01-03
List or group: Ministerial Conditions
Substance identifier: 84852-53-9
Substance identifier (2):
Substance name: 1,1'-(1,2-Ethanediyl)bis[pentabromobenzene]
Additional information: The manufacture or import of this substance is subject to ministerial conditions following a joint assessment by Environment and Climate Change Canada and Health Canada.

When a substance is suspected of being toxic or capable of becoming toxic under CEPA, control measures are imposed to address risks to the environment or human health.

Under ministerial conditions, the notifier can manufacture or import a substance, subject to restrictions. Any other person who wishes to manufacture or import this substance may be required to submit a New Substances Notification under the New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers) or the New Substances Notification Regulations (Organisms). This may result in similar conditions being imposed.

To access all ministerial condition notices published under the authority of CEPA, refer to Canada's Open Government Portal.
Recent publication(s): Canada Gazette Part I, Vol. 143, No. 1, pp. 6-8, January 3, 2009
Date published: 2009-01-03
List or group: Ministerial Conditions
Substance identifier: 84852-53-9
Substance identifier (2):
Substance name: 1,1'-(1,2-Ethanediyl)bis[pentabromobenzene]
Additional information: The manufacture or import of this substance is subject to ministerial conditions following a joint assessment by Environment and Climate Change Canada and Health Canada.

When a substance is suspected of being toxic or capable of becoming toxic under CEPA, control measures are imposed to address risks to the environment or human health.

Under ministerial conditions, the notifier can manufacture or import a substance, subject to restrictions. Any other person who wishes to manufacture or import this substance may be required to submit a New Substances Notification under the New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers) or the New Substances Notification Regulations (Organisms). This may result in similar conditions being imposed.

To access all ministerial condition notices published under the authority of CEPA, refer to Canada's Open Government Portal.
Recent publication(s): Canada Gazette Part I, Vol. 142, No. 40, pp. 2730-2732, October 4, 2008
Date published: 2008-10-04
List or group: Ministerial Conditions
Substance identifier: 84852-53-9
Substance identifier (2):
Substance name: 1,1'-(1,2-Ethanediyl)bis[pentabromobenzene]
Additional information: The manufacture or import of this substance is subject to ministerial conditions following a joint assessment by Environment and Climate Change Canada and Health Canada.

When a substance is suspected of being toxic or capable of becoming toxic under CEPA, control measures are imposed to address risks to the environment or human health.

Under ministerial conditions, the notifier can manufacture or import a substance, subject to restrictions. Any other person who wishes to manufacture or import this substance may be required to submit a New Substances Notification under the New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers) or the New Substances Notification Regulations (Organisms). This may result in similar conditions being imposed.

To access all ministerial condition notices published under the authority of CEPA, refer to Canada's Open Government Portal.
Recent publication(s): Canada Gazette Part I, Vol. 142, No. 40, pp. 2732-2734, October 4, 2008
Date published: 2008-10-04
List or group: Ministerial Conditions
Substance identifier: 84852-53-9
Substance identifier (2):
Substance name: 1,1'-(1,2-Ethanediyl)bis[pentabromobenzene]
Additional information: The manufacture or import of this substance is subject to ministerial conditions following a joint assessment by Environment and Climate Change Canada and Health Canada.

When a substance is suspected of being toxic or capable of becoming toxic under CEPA, control measures are imposed to address risks to the environment or human health.

Under ministerial conditions, the notifier can manufacture or import a substance, subject to restrictions. Any other person who wishes to manufacture or import this substance may be required to submit a New Substances Notification under the New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers) or the New Substances Notification Regulations (Organisms). This may result in similar conditions being imposed.

To access all ministerial condition notices published under the authority of CEPA, refer to Canada's Open Government Portal.
Recent publication(s): Canada Gazette Part I, Vol. 142, No. 16, April 19, 2008
Date published: 2008-04-19
List or group: Ministerial Conditions
Substance identifier: 84852-53-9
Substance identifier (2):
Substance name: 1,1'-(1,2-Ethanediyl)bis[pentabromobenzene]
Additional information: The manufacture or import of this substance is subject to ministerial conditions following a joint assessment by Environment and Climate Change Canada and Health Canada.

When a substance is suspected of being toxic or capable of becoming toxic under CEPA, control measures are imposed to address risks to the environment or human health.

Under ministerial conditions, the notifier can manufacture or import a substance, subject to restrictions. Any other person who wishes to manufacture or import this substance may be required to submit a New Substances Notification under the New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers) or the New Substances Notification Regulations (Organisms). This may result in similar conditions being imposed.

To access all ministerial condition notices published under the authority of CEPA, refer to Canada's Open Government Portal.
Recent publication(s): Canada Gazette Part I, Vol. 138, No. 40, October 02 2004
Date published: 2004-10-02
Date modified: