Substances Search
The information is current as of June 10, 2024. Some substance lists may have changed since this date. For updated substance lists, please contact
This is a search tool to look up substance names and substance identifiers that are referenced in various legislative or regulatory instruments or Government of Canada websites and that are included in the lists or groups set out in the pick-list below. To see which lists or groups are currently available, expand the "List or group" pick-list. Updates are made regularly and new lists and groups are added on an ongoing basis.
This information does not supersede or modify any act, regulation or legal obligation, including an obligation to comply under any instruments referred to under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA), including statutory or legislative instruments. For example, whenever a substance is referenced in an act or regulation, or in an instrument or notice, the act, regulation, instrument or notice prevail. Although care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of information contained in this search tool, should any inconsistencies be found, the official versions of the text of the legislation, regulations, instruments, or notices, for example on the Justice website and Canada Gazette publications, prevail.
Given that substance names can vary widely, it is recommended to conduct separate searches of substance name(s) and any available substance identifier(s).
Search by list or group to view substance names and substances identifiers for the selected list or group.
Search by substance identifier (using one of the following formats) to view lists and groups available for the searched substance:
This is a search tool to look up substance names and substance identifiers that are referenced in various legislative or regulatory instruments or Government of Canada websites and that are included in the lists or groups set out in the pick-list below. To see which lists or groups are currently available, expand the "List or group" pick-list. Updates are made regularly and new lists and groups are added on an ongoing basis.
This information does not supersede or modify any act, regulation or legal obligation, including an obligation to comply under any instruments referred to under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA), including statutory or legislative instruments. For example, whenever a substance is referenced in an act or regulation, or in an instrument or notice, the act, regulation, instrument or notice prevail. Although care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of information contained in this search tool, should any inconsistencies be found, the official versions of the text of the legislation, regulations, instruments, or notices, for example on the Justice website and Canada Gazette publications, prevail.
Given that substance names can vary widely, it is recommended to conduct separate searches of substance name(s) and any available substance identifier(s).
Search by list or group to view substance names and substances identifiers for the selected list or group.
Search by substance identifier (using one of the following formats) to view lists and groups available for the searched substance:
- Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number (CAS RN¹) (e.g. 50-00-0)
- Environment and Climate Change Canada Confidential Accession Number² (e.g. 10000-1)
- National Pollutant Release Inventory Substance Identifier (e.g. NA - 12)
- Enzyme Commission Number (e.g.
- American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) Number (e.g. ATCC 11866)
Question or comments? Please contact us.¹CAS RN: Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number. The Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number is the property of the American Chemical Society, and any use or redistribution, except as required in supporting regulatory requirements and/or for reports to the Government of Canada when the information and the reports are required by law or administrative policy, is not permitted without the prior, written permission of the American Chemical Society.
²A Confidential Accession Number is used to identify a substance on a confidential part of the Domestic Substances List.