Written report of an environmental emergency

Please note - this public site link is only for persons who either 1) do not have a registered facility in the Environment and Climate Change Canada Single Window Environmental Emergency Reporting System or 2) have a registered facility but are not reporting for that facility. If you need to report an environmental emergency for your registered facility, please log-in using your GCKey credential and submit a Schedule 8.

Contact Information



For the city/township, if in Canada, please enter the name exactly as written in this list: http://www.canada-city.ca/all-cities-in-canada.php
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Company / Facility Information

Please provide the information about the company / facility where the environmental emergency occured. If the company / facility name is not known, please enter unknown for the Company / Facility Name.
Between 41.68138 and 83.11138
Between -141.00194 and -52.61944


For the city/township, if in Canada, please enter the name exactly as written in this list: http://www.canada-city.ca/all-cities-in-canada.php
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Environmental Emergency Information


Substance(s) Released

Please provide the name(s) of the substance(s) that caused the environmental emergency or was/were released during the event.

Certification Information

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